1974 Cessna A185-F – C-GIFT

- Registration: C-GIFT
- S/N: 185-02460
- Annual: Fresh Annual July 2025, Flight Ready, Due July 2025
- AFTT: 4,200
- Engine: Continental IO-520-D, 0 hr SMOH. Sept 08/2022 Okanagan Aero Engines
- Prop: Hartzel PHC-C3YF-1RF, 0hr SMOH Done March 2021
- Garmin GMA 340
- GNS 430 GPS NC
- GI 106-A
- GA56 Antenna (GPS)
- CI 121 Com. Antenna
- KX155 N/C 209 Ind.
- KN 64 DME
- KR 87 ADF/228 Indicator KA 44B antenna
- GTX 327 Xpdr. SSD120 enc. CI Antenna
- Davtron M655
- Stec Computer Turn Coordinator Controller
- Roll Servo S TEC 60-1
- GPSS Unit GPSS Switch
- Ack ELT Transmitter Remote Switch Cooling Fan
- Monarch Fuel Caps
- Monarch Fiberglass Tanks
- Bas Pull Handles
- Rosen Visors
- New Cleveland Wheels and Brakes
- Factory New Flaps
- New Seat Rails
- P Ponk Landing Gear Mod
- Ailerons Reskinned
- Vent Tube STC
- JPI Fuel Flow
- Kosola Engine Mount
- BAS Seat Belts
- Pulse Lights
- Tail Wheek MOD STC
- New Selkirk Interior Parts
- Horton STOHL Kit
- Msk 100 Service Kit/STC (Flap Rollers)
- Complete Rewire of all Electical Systems With Paperwork, Including Switches and Breakers
Exterior: 9/10 – Excellent Condition
Interior: Seats Redone. New Fitted Plastic Parts.
Headliner and Flooring Need to be Redone
Comment: This Airplane is Exceptional/STC’s and paperwork in place.
There are additional improvements, Please call Ken Smith at 604-991-4300